[12]H. G. Wells, The Time Machine, 1895
[13]Mark Twain, A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court, 1889
[14]L. Sprague de Camp, Lest Darkness Fall, 1939
[15]Isaac Asimov, Foundation Trilogy, 1942——1950
[16]Jack Finney, Time and Again, 1970
[17]Ray Bradbury, The Sound of Thunder, 1952
[18]A. E. van Vogt, Recruiting Station, 1942
[19]Masters of Time, 1950
[20]Poul Anderson, Time Patrol, 1955
[21]Fritz Leiber, The Big Time, 1958
[22]Alternative History, 可以理解为常说的架空历史,但更强调真实历史,而不包括“架空”一词也常涉及的未来历史小说。
[23]J. C Squires, If It Had Happened Otherwise, 1931
[24]Winston Churchill, If Lee Had Not Won the Battle of Gettysburg
[25]James Thurber, If Grant Had Been Drinking at Appomattox, 真实历史是格兰特在这里接受了李代表南方军队投降,本作假设格兰特喝多了,结果现场向李签了投降书。
[26]Ward Moore, Bring the Jubilee, 1950 27 Philip K. Dick, The Man in the High Castle, 1962
[27]Philip K. Dick, The Man in the High Castle, 1962
[28]The Time Tunnel, 19660——1967, 这就是“正大剧场”播过的那个电视剧。
[29]T.L.Sherred, E for Effort, 1947
[30]Isaac Asimov, The Dead Past, 1946
[31]L.Ron Hubbard,To the Stars, 1958,作者创立了戴尼提和山达基。山达基(Scientology),又译科学神教,创建于1952年;戴尼提(Dianetics)是一套关于精神、心灵和身体之间关系的理论,是山达基的理论基础。
[32]Joe Haldeman, The Forever War, 1974
[33]Robert Heinlein, Time for the Stars, 1956
[34]Frederik Pohl, Gateway, 1977
[35]James Gunn, Gift from the Stars, 2005
[36]Henry Kuttner, The Twonky, 1942
[37]Cyril Kornbluth, The Little Black Bag, 1950
[38]Henry Kuttner 和C. L. Moore, Vintage Season, 1946;Mimsey Were the Borogoves, 1943
[39]Gregory Benford, Timescape, 1980